MacSprint provided little improvement in hard disk performance yet a 16% increase in CPU speed and a 20% increase in Math speed appeared.
I am impressed with the speed increase obtained as a result of installing this card. As you can see from the many tests made, performance increases between 20-27% with the use of MacSprint II are not unusual. Considering the retail price of the MacSprint II card is $299 and it is available from various dealers at discount prices from $220 to $280, it is a very good value. . If you compare the speed increase that this card provides versus the cost of the upgrade, this accelerator has the best cost/performance ratio of all Mac II accelerator products available. In order to provide greater speed than the MacSprint II card affords, you will spend $800-$2,000+ on an accelerator card.
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AMUG will be giving this MacSprint card away as a door prize at the December 21, 1989 Arizona Macintosh User Group meeting at 7:00PM. We will meet at Howard Johnson’s in Phoenix at 32nd Street and the Freeway. Tickets for the door prizes are 50 cents each and are sold only to get the product in the hands of an individual who wants and can use it. This should prove to be a great Christmas present for someone. I am sure that I will have to buy a MacSprint II card for my Mac II. Once you have used a MacSprint II card it’s hard to give it up!
Who to contact:
You can contact Orchid Technology located at 45365 Northport West, Fremont, CA 94538